Learning &
Our curriculum is based on The Australian Curriculum and is designed to teach students what it takes to be confident and creative individuals and become active and informed citizens
The students develop knowledge and skills in eight learning areas: English, Mathematics, Science, Health and Physical Education (HPE) Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), The Arts, Technologies and Languages (Italian).
All students attend specialist programmes in Music, Dance, PE and Italian.
Ensuring all of our students are literate and numerate is a priority of the school. We are recognised both locally and nationally for our outstanding English and Mathematics programmes. Our staff are continually learning and updating their practice to reflect current research and evidence.
Whole school agreements and scope and sequences (Literacy, Numeracy & Wellbeing) have been developed and implemented. Resulting in consistent and high quality practice and content across the school.
The school has worked in partnership with the Schools Ministry Group, University of South Australia and Salisbury Communities for Children to pilot and implement ‘The Wellbeing Classroom’. This sits alongside of the academic programmes in the school and is integrated into all aspects of the day. The Wellbeing Classroom develops skills and dispositions to support our students to engage in school and to develop and maintain positive relationships with others.
We have also introduced student Wellbeing Agents who provide peer leadership in the classroom wellbeing programme. Weekly ‘Wellbeing Classroom’ time includes mindfulness and emotional literacy practices led by the Wellbeing Agents. Our staff Wellbeing Leader supports the Wellbeing Agents as well as engaging directly with children identified as needing additional support to engage in school.
A focus of the school is providing leadership opportunities for our students. Many opportunities for student leadership exist at both classroom and whole school levels including: – Wellbeing Leaders, Resource Centre Monitors, Buddies to Junior Primary students, traffic monitors, bike track and scooter monitors, and team leaders within classrooms.
Carefully chosen extra curricula activities such as Choir, visiting performers, school camps, aquatic and swimming programs, sporting clinics, gardening, bike education and out of school excursions, support us to provide a diverse curriculum and additional experiences for our students.